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Delayed Disclosure of Sexual Abuse

Delayed disclosure of child sexual abuse

Delayed disclosure of sexual abuse is a unique phenomenon in child sexual abuse cases. Being aware of it is important because it can potentially affect your child sexual abuse case. Additionally, understanding what it is can make it easier for you to obtain justice. 

For assistance with a child sexual abuse claim in California, please connect with a California child sexual abuse lawyer at Beck Law P.C.

What Is Delayed Disclosure?

Delayed disclosure of child sexual abuse is a phenomenon in which victims of child sexual abuse wait years or, in some cases, even decades to disclose the sexual abuse that they suffered.

Even though delayed disclosure may seem counterintuitive, it is incredibly common. Based on data that was obtained by the Department of Justice, around 86% of all child sexual abuse goes unreported.

Some of the most notable reasons why a child might delay the disclosure of their abuse are as follows:

  • The inability to recognize that what they have experienced is child sexual abuse.
  • The inability to articulate the abuse that they have suffered.
  • A fear that no one will believe them.
  • A fear that they will suffer consequences due to reporting their abuse.
  • A lack of opportunities to disclose the child sexual abuse that they have suffered.

Every single one of the reasons outlined above goes into the decision to delay one’s disclosure of past child sexual abuse.

What Is Delayed Disclosure of Child Sexual Abuse?

Before we clarify the ways in which delayed disclosure affects child sexual abuse cases, it is important to note one key fact: when many children do disclose their child sexual abuse, it is often to their peers.

Given this, the proper authorities – parents and legal guardians, and law enforcement, among others – are unaware of the child sexual abuse that has occurred. As a result, they cannot take appropriate legal action.

Some children grow up and disclose their child sexual abuse to someone who can offer legal help. But, due to the length of time they waited to disclose their child sexual abuse experience, it is common for the statute of limitations regarding the act of reporting it to have expired.

Since the statute of limitations has passed, a victim of child sexual abuse is unable to obtain justice for what was done to them.

What Does Child Sexual Abuse Delayed Disclosure Mean?

Delayed disclosure is a common phenomenon. But, due to the pain that child sexual abuse creates and the fact that a failure to report abuse also limits a victim’s ability to obtain justice, it is vital that your child knows they are loved, trusted, and cared for.

A warm and open environment will make it easier for your child to disclose the abuse that they have suffered. This will, in turn, allow you to speak with a lawyer and begin obtaining justice.

Speak With A California Child Sexual Abuse Attorney Today

You, as a victim of child sexual abuse or as the parent of a victim of child sexual abuse, are entitled to justice. Speak with a California child sexual abuse attorney at Beck Law P.C. today by calling (707) 576-7175.  Whether you are in San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego or elsewhere in California, we are dedicated to assisting victims of child sexual abuse get the compensation they are owed for what they suffered.


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