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How To File a California Sexual Assault Claim

Filing A California Sexual Assault Claim

There is help available to file a California sexual assault claim If you or someone you know has been the victim of a child sexual assault in California. While this could be an overwhelming process and you may need legal help to navigate the system and file a claim, there are many resources available, including hotlines and counseling.

The California child sexual abuse lawyer at Beck Law P.C. provides some information on how to file a California child sexual assault claim. 

What Is a Child Sexual Assault, and What Are the Different Types of Claims That Can Be Made?

Child sexual assault is a crime that can be committed by anyone, regardless of their age. It’s any kind of sexual contact (e.g. touching, groping, sexting) or penetration against someone who is under the age of 18. Based on the relationship of the victim and the perpetrator, there are different types of claims that can be made in regard to child sexual assault. 

– A claim that the child was sexually assaulted by someone they know (known assailant). 

– A claim that the child was sexually assaulted by someone they don’t know (unknown assailant). 

– A claim that the child was sexually assaulted because of their sex or gender identity. 

– A claim that the child was sexually assaulted because they were being forced to participate in prostitution. 

– A claim that the child was sexually assaulted because they were incapacitated.

– A claim that the child was sexually assaulted with an element of exploitation present – for example, if the perpetrator took advantage of their position of trust.

Filing a Claim: Who Can File a California Child Sexual Assault Claim, and How To Go About It?

If you or someone you know has been a victim of child sexual assault, there are several ways to go about filing a claim. California is a state that upholds the “Good Faith Report” law. The law protects anyone who, in good faith, discloses criminal activity based on reasonable suspicion.

There are different ways to file a claim. You can file a police report or contact the state’s Department of Justice Victim Services Division. All police divisions in California can be found here: You may also reach out to them by simply dialing 911. The Victim Services Division can also work with you to create a plan and help you through the process. 

It is important to know that filing a claim does not automatically mean that your attacker will be arrested or charged. But they will be investigated.


In conclusion, if you or someone you know has been a victim of child sexual assault, there is help available. There are many steps that you need to take in order to seek justice, and our law firm can help guide you through these steps and provide support along the way. We will work diligently to gather evidence, provide counseling, and provide resources so that you can achieve the justice that you deserve. Contact Beck Law P.C. to speak with our California child sexual assault attorney today to learn more about how we can help.


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